GX-Bug #68607
geschlossenEigenschaftenauswahl wird im Artikel unter bestimmten Bedingungen nicht angezeigt / Property selection isn't displayed under certain conditions
Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, der es verhindert hat, dass die Eigenschaftenauswahl im Artikel unter bestimmten Bedingungen angezeigt wird.
- go to Settings > General Stock Settings, choose options as follows:
Check Stock level: TRUE
Display Cart After Adding a Product?: FALSE
Deactivate Products: FALSE
Deactivate Attributes: FALSE
Show Stock Attributes: FALSE
Check attribute stock level: TRUE
Check download stock level: TRUE
Subtract stock: TRUE
Allow Checkout: FALSE
Check stock before shopping cart?: TRUE
make sure to have a theme active which has a quantity field on the product detailed page (when using Malibu theme, activate the quantity field under SE4 > Areas > Product Page > Classic >> Hide quantity input = FALSE)
have a product with properties ready, all property combination and the product itself must have 0 stock
go to the products property combination page, open settings, choose 'Any order, only possible values are selectable' or 'Specified order, only possible values are selectable' as dropdown mode
make sure the quantity check is 'Default (global stock options)'
- open the product in the frontend
the property combination selection should be available, every property value should be greyed out but visible
a message should be displayed: 'Der Artikel ist aktuell nicht verfügbar'
the property combination selection is missing
no message is displayed
this will lead to another error, see: #68608
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