


GX-Bug #68607

Von Ulrich Wenk vor mehr als 3 Jahren aktualisiert


 * go to Settings > General Stock Settings, choose options as follows: 

 >* Check Stock level: TRUE 

 >* Display Cart After Adding a Product?: FALSE 

 >* Deactivate Products: FALSE 

 >* Deactivate Attributes: FALSE 

 >* Show Stock Attributes: FALSE 

 >* Check attribute stock level: TRUE 

 >* Check download stock level: TRUE 

 >* Subtract stock: TRUE 

 >* Allow Checkout: FALSE 

 >* Check stock before shopping cart?: TRUE 

 * make sure to have a theme active which has a quantity field on the product detailed page (when using Malibu theme, activate the quantity field under SE4 > Areas > Product Page > Classic >> Hide quantity input = FALSE) 

 * have a product with properties ready, all property combination and the product itself must have 0 stock 

 * go to the products property combination page, open settings, choose 'Any order, only possible values are selectable' or 'Specified order,    only possible values are selectable' as dropdown mode 

 * make sure the quantity check is 'Default (global stock options)' 

 1. open the product in the frontend 


 * the property combination selection should be available, every property value should be greyed out but visible 

 * a message should be displayed: 'Der Artikel ist aktuell nicht verfügbar' 


 * the property combination selection is missing 

 * no message is displayed 

 * this will lead to another error, see: #68608 #
