GX-Bug #49961
geschlossenShopgate Plugin v2.9.41
Zugewiesen an:
Daniel Würdemann
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Betroffene Versionen:
Release Notes Langtext:
Shopgate Update (v2.9.41)
Merge Request: https://sources.gambio-server.net/gambio/gxdev/merge_requests/449
Plugin Changelog Version 2.9.41:
- fixed issue with calculating customer group discounts
Plugin Changelog Version 2.9.40:
- uses Shopgate Library 2.9.58
- fixed shipping taxes in order import
Library Changelog Version 2.9.58
- fixed 'undefined index' notice in ShopgateBuilder
- fixed turning on error_reporting for all errors by default
Library Changelog Version 2.9.57
- fixed missing plugin_version in JSON response
Library Changelog Version 2.9.56
- fixed class names for logging classes to avoid duplicate declarations
- removed self-logging functionality from ShopgateLibraryException
- added proper stack trace generation
- added proper handlers for errors and exceptions
- added a new shutdown function to be able to log fatal errors that cause a script to stop unexpectedly
- moved initialization of error reporting settings and handlers from ShopgatePluginApi to ShopgateBuilder
- ShopgatePluginApi is now working with the "logging strategy" introduced in 2.9.55 if it was set
- ShopgatePluginApi is now using the stack trace generation mentioned above if it was set
- ShopgatePluginApi won't log stack traces anymore when using ShopgateLogger to avoid logging sensitive information
- deprecated ShopgateLogger
- added ShopgateClient to ShopgateCartBase to distinguish between the mobile clients
- added error code to remove items silently in the cart validation * replaced "document.write" with asynchronous loading of mobile redirect / mobile header
- added Content-Length header to Response objects for CSV, XML and JSON repsonses
Library Changelog Version 2.9.55
- refactored ShopgateLogger to be able to pass a strategy for logging
Library Changelog Version 2.9.54
- adjusting CartCustomer object properties to contain an empty group array
Library Changelog Version 2.9.53
- added missing entries to composer.json
- fix for category asArray method when image is missing
Library Changelog Version 2.9.52
- extended method clear_cache so plugin related cache files can be deleted as well
Library Changelog Version 2.9.51
- http/js redirect split via new forwarder class
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