GX-Abgewiesen #70091
geschlossenBeim Anlegen eines Kunden im Gambio Admin sollte das Bundesland nur Pflichtfeld sein, wenn es das auch für den Kunden in der Registrierung ist
Beim Anlegen eines Kunden im Gambio Admin ist das Bundesland kein Pflichtfeld, wenn es das auch nicht für den Kunden in der Registrierung ist
When creating a customer in the Gambio Admin, the state should only be a mandatory field if it is for the customer in the registration as well
Most store owners will have the state field disabled, as it is usually not needed. When a store owner creates a customer, he usually does not have the state in the address. It is too inconvenient if the store owner would have to google which state the location is in first. Therefore, the state should be optional when creating a customer, unless the state is a required field for the customer in the registration.
- Gambio Admin > Settings > Customers > Account: Deactivate "State"
- Gambio Admin > Customers: Create
The state dropdown has an empty option, to omit it
The state dropdown is a mandatory field
It already works, if the min length for the state is 0. This behaviour is also needed, if the state field is deactivated for the registration.