GX-Bug #69849
geschlossenOrder postprocessing does not take into account the language in which the order was placed for new items, new VAT and order status | Die Bestellnachbearbeitung berücksichtigt für neue Artikel, die MwSt. und Bestellstatus nicht die Bestellsprache
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Steps to reproduce:
Betroffene Versionen: beta1
Release Notes Langtext:
Die Bestellnachbearbeitung (Name neuer Artikel, MwSt.-Text) und Bestellstatusänderung (Status-Name in E-Mail) berücksichtigt jetzt die Sprache in der bestellt wurde
Case 1:
Steps to reproduce:
- create a product with different name for German and englisch
- create a German order with German language active (any product possible)
- open the order in the Gambio Admin having switched back the language to English
- edit the order and add the product you created
The new product has the German name (language of the order)
The new product has the English name (language of session)
Case 2:
Steps to reproduce:
- Open the edit page of the order and click "close" again with the option "Finish and recalculate" active
The tax text is in German.
The tax text is in English.
Case 3:
Steps to reproduce:
- open the order and change the order status and check the option for notifying the customer
- open the email (Gambio Admin > Customers > Emails)
The order status text in the mail is German.
The order status text in the mail is English.