



GX-Bug #68417


Shipping status of properties combinations is not updating when manually creating an order

Von Anonym vor fast 4 Jahren hinzugefügt. Vor fast 3 Jahren aktualisiert.

Zugewiesen an:
Moritz Bunjes
% erledigt:


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Steps to reproduce:
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Der Lieferstatus wird nun anhand des Lagerbestands gesetzt, wenn man Artikel mit Varianten in Bestellungen hinzufügt oder entfernt


  1. Gambio Admin > Settings > Delivery > Shipping status > Click button "Open"
  2. Edit Shipping Status "1 Week" and set the upper threshold to 1
  3. Go to "Catalog > Categories / Products" click on "product" in button's dropdown in the upper right corner
  4. On product's editing site change quantity to 100 in input field "Product Quantity"
  5. Change product's name to "test article" in input field "Product Name"
  6. Scroll down and click on "Update" in button's dropdown in the bottom right corner
  7. Go to the "Variants" page of the product
  8. Tick the checkbox next to the property "Size" and click on value "S"
  9. Click on "Add combinations automatically"
  10. In the properties combinations overview open combination "S" by clicking on the editing icon
  11. In the variants Settings set "Quantity check:" to "Product variant quantity" and "Show shipping status:" to "Product variant shipping status" and Save
  12. Change quantity to "1" and shipping time to "1 week"
  13. Click on button "Save and close"
  14. Go to "Customers > Customers"
  15. Click on entry "New order" in the button's dropdown next to your admin account
  16. On the order's details view click on "Edit" in the box "Products"
  17. In the search input field type your article's name "test article" and click on "Search"
  18. Set quantity to "1", check "adjust stock by quantity" and click on "Add"
  19. Once the article was added click on button "Variants"
  20. In the dropdown select property "Size" with value "S"
  21. Tick the checkbox "adjust stock by quantity"
  22. Click on button "Save" and then on "Back"
  23. Tick the checkbox next to "Finish and recalculate" and click button "Close"
  24. Go to "Catalog > Categories / Products" and open your article "test article" for editing
  25. Scroll down and next to the Save-Button open the button's dropdown and click on "Properties"
  26. Check shipping time of property combination "S"

Expected result:
The property combination's shipping status shows "2 weeks" as the quantity is now 0.

Actual result:
The property combination's shipping status shows "1 weeks".
The property combination's shipping time should have been adjusted accordingly as set in the default shipping status settings, so it should be set to "2 weeks" when stock reaches 0.


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