GX-Bug #68084
geschlossenWhen placing an product in the shopping cart or wishlist, the product image is reloaded again unnecessarily | Beim Ablegen eines Artikels in den Warenkorb oder Merkzettel wird das Artikelbild nochmals unnötigerweise nachgeladen
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Betroffene Versionen: beta1
Release Notes Langtext:
Beim Ablegen eines Artikels ohne Eigenschaften in den Warenkorb oder auf den Merkzettel wird die Bildergalerie nicht mehr nochmals neu geladen
When placing an product in the shopping cart or wishlist, the product image is reloaded again unnecessarily . The loading spinner displayed briefly makes this look unsteady. It is not necessary to load the image gallery again.
Steps to reproduce
- create a product with an image
- go to the shop and navigate to the product
- place the product to the cart or wishlist
Expected result
The product is added to the cart or wishlist without a reload of the image gallery before
Actual result
The product is added to the cart or wishlist with an unnecessary reload of the image gallery before