GX-Bug #65445
geschlossenWenn man viele Bestellungen hat und viele GX-Customizer Uploads, ist der Warenkorb sehr langsam
Die Performance des Warenkorbes wurde verbessert
Wenn man viele Bestellungen hat und viele GX-Customizer Uploads, ist der Warenkorb sehr langsam.
Das Problem hier ist, dass beim Aufruf des Warenkorbes immer geprüft wird ob noch Kunden die schon lange nicht mehr im Shop aktiv sind noch Dateien hochgeladen hatten aber die Bestellung nicht abgeschlossen haben.
If you have many orders and many GX customizer uploads, the shopping cart is very slow.
The problem here is that when calling up the shopping cart it is always checked whether customers who where not active in the shop for quite some time have uploaded files but have not completed the order.
gm_gprint_uploads u
LEFT JOIN gm_gprint_cart_elements AS c ON (u.gm_gprint_uploads_id = c.gm_gprint_uploads_id)
LEFT JOIN gm_gprint_orders_elements AS o ON (u.gm_gprint_uploads_id = o.gm_gprint_uploads_id)
LEFT JOIN gm_gprint_wishlist_elements AS w ON (u.gm_gprint_uploads_id = w.gm_gprint_uploads_id)
LEFT JOIN whos_online AS wo ON (CONVERT(u.ip_hash USING utf8) = CONVERT(MD5(wo.ip_address) USING utf8))
c.gm_gprint_uploads_id IS NULL AND
o.gm_gprint_uploads_id IS NULL AND
w.gm_gprint_uploads_id IS NULL AND
wo.ip_address IS NULL AND
u.datetime < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)