GX-Bug #63200
geschlossenMindestbestellmenge kann unterschritten werden, wenn die Artikel im Warenkorb gespeichert wurden, bevor die Mindestbestellmenge angepasst wurde, immer noch / Minimum order amount can be bypassed
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Betroffene Versionen: beta1
Release Notes Langtext:
Mindestbestellmenge kann nicht mehr unterschritten werden
Mindestbestellmenge kann unterschritten werden, wenn die Artikel im Warenkorb gespeichert wurden, bevor die Mindestbestellmenge angepasst wurde.
Minimum order amount can be bypassed if the corresponding item is already in the shopping cart and the customer maintains being logged in.
- log in as customer, put an item in the shopping basket, leave this tab and session open
- got to backend, change the minimum order amount to something higher than before
- switch back to the customers tab, proceed to the checkout
- expected result: when clicking 'checkout', a message appears, saying that the minimum order isn't achieved
- actual result: you can proceed with your checkout and buy the item with an outdated minimum order amount --> NOT OK
Additional info: If the customer logs out and back in again, the shopping basket will be empty. But in most cases the customer wouldn't do that.
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