Die Tracking Codes sollten dahingehend erweitert werden, dass zusätzliche Einbindungen im Head-Bereich der Seite und auf der Bestellabschlussseite (checkout_success) möglich werden. Hierbei sollten die Tracking Codes auch durch Smarty geparst werden, um zusätzliche Funktionalität und Datenquellen zu erschließen.
Tracking Codes should be extended to include additional tracking codes in the head section of each page and on the final page of the checkout (checkout_success). The codes should also be parsed by Smarty to allow for additional functionality and data sources.
Tracking Code (head):
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.querySelectorAll('div').forEach(function(d) { d.style.boxShadow = '0 0 10px red'; });
let cartData = {$smarty.session.cart|json_encode};
<!-- Test Smarty: {42 + 23} -->
Will add a red shadow around each div element, inject $_SESSION['cart'] as a JSON object (quite pointless; just for illustration) and output the sum of 42 and 23 in an HTML comment.
Note the use of native Javascript here: jQuery is not available at this point in the page!
Tracking Code (bottom):
$('p').css('background-color', 'cornsilk');
Here, jQuery is available and used to set the background color of all p elements to cornsilk. Also, a date is output through a Smarty call.
Tracking Code (checkout_success):
{foreach $order->getOrderItems() as $oItem}
{$oItem->getQuantity()} {$oItem->getName()} ({$oItem->getProductModel()}) für {$oItem->getPrice()|number_format:2} {$order->getCurrencyCode()->getCode()}<br>
<p>Hello, there!</p>
document.write('hallo {$legacyOrder->info['payment_method']}');
if(true) { document.write('Moin.'); }
On the checkout_success page, additional Smarty variables $order and $legacyOrder are available. The $order is an implementation of OrderInterface, the result of a call to OrderReadService::getOrderById(). The $legacyOrder is simply an instance of includes/classes/order.inc.php.
Also, note that Smarty and Javascript code can be interspersed if the braces ({}) in Javascript code are followed by spaces.