GX-Bug #54559
geschlossenLöschen von Eigenschaftkombinationen löst Fehlermeldung aus
Zugewiesen an:
Torben Wark
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Release Notes Langtext:
Löschen von einzelnen Eigenschaftskombinationen löst keine Fehlermeldung mehr aus.
Beobachtet in den SaaS-Shops. Hier scheint es beim Löschen von eigenschaftenkombinationen zeitweise zu Fehlern zu kommen: (Siehe Log)
2017-03-19 23:48:16 (5139e423846120f1504d8d9bfacbfb1a) USER ERROR(256): "SQL Error" in /var/www/inc/xtc_db_error.inc.php:24 #5 File: /var/www/inc/xtc_db_error.inc.php:24 Code: │ line 22: $coo_logger = LogControl::get_instance(); │ line 23: $coo_logger->notice($p_error, 'error_handler', 'errors', 'notice', 'SQL ERROR', $p_errno, 'Query:' . "\r\n" . trim($p_query)); ├─ line 24: trigger_error('SQL Error', E_USER_ERROR); │ line 25: } #4 File: /var/www/inc/xtc_db_query.inc.php:78 Code: │ line 76: # ALL OTHER RUN MODES │ line 77: # execute query ├─ line 78: $result = mysqli_query( $$link, $p_query) or xtc_db_error($p_query, ((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_errno($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_errno()) ? $___mysqli_res : false)), ((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false))); │ line 79: } │ line 80: #3 File: /var/www/system/classes/properties/PropertiesCombisAdminControl.inc.php:263 Code: │ line 261: products_properties_combis_id IN ('.implode(',', $c_properties_combis_id_array).') │ line 262: '; ├─ line 263: xtc_db_query($t_sql); │ line 264: │ line 265: $t_sql = ' #2 File: /var/www/system/classes/properties/PropertiesCombisAdminAjaxHandler.inc.php:82 Code: │ line 80: case 'selected': │ line 81: case 'combis': ├─ line 82: $t_output_array = $coo_properties_combis_admin_control->delete_combis($this->v_data_array['POST']['properties_combis_id_array']); │ line 83: break; │ line 84: #1 File: /var/www/system/core/RequestRouter.inc.php:93 Code: │ line 91: # proceed module and write response to buffer │ line 92: ob_start(); ├─ line 93: $success = $coo_module->proceed(); │ line 94: $content = ob_get_clean(); │ line 95: #0 File: /var/www/admin/request_port.php:115 Code: │ line 113: $coo_request_router->set_data('POST', $_POST); │ line 114: ├─ line 115: $t_proceed_status = $coo_request_router->proceed($f_module_name); │ line 116: if($t_proceed_status == true) { │ line 117: $t_output_content = $coo_request_router->get_response(); Request: POST /admin/request_port.php?module=PropertiesCombisAdmin&action=delete&type=selected - duration: ~28ms - server: nginx/1.10.3 - server address: - user agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 - remote address: 5139e423846120f1504d8d9bfacbfb1a Session: - tpl: EyeCandy - MOBILE_ACTIVE: false - language: german - languages_id: 2 - language_charset: utf-8 - language_code: de - currency: EUR - customers_status: Array ( [customers_status_id] => 0 [customers_status_name] => Admin [customers_status_image] => admin_status.gif [customers_status_public] => 0 [customers_status_min_order] => 0 [customers_status_max_order] => 0 [customers_status_discount] => 0.00 [customers_status_ot_discount_flag] => 1 [customers_status_ot_discount] => 0.00 [customers_status_graduated_prices] => 1 [customers_status_show_price] => 1 [customers_status_show_price_tax] => 0 [customers_status_add_tax_ot] => 1 [customers_status_payment_unallowed] => [customers_status_shipping_unallowed] => [customers_status_discount_attributes] => 0 [customers_fsk18] => 1 [customers_fsk18_display] => 1 [customers_status_write_reviews] => 1 [customers_status_read_reviews] => 1 ) - cart: shoppingCart Object ( [contents] => Array ( [5x15] => Array ( [qty] => 1.0000 ) [26x25] => Array ( [qty] => 1.0000 ) ) [total] => 719.95 [weight] => 0 [cartID] => 21498 [content_type] => [tax] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [value] => 114.95 [desc] => zzgl. 19% MwSt. ) ) ) - wishList: wishList Object ( [contents] => Array ( ) [total] => 0 [weight] => 0 [cartID] => [content_type] => ) - customer_id: 1 - payment: ### Session entry not present ### - shipping: ### Session entry not present ### - cartID: ### Session entry not present ### - sendto: ### Session entry not present ### - billto: ### Session entry not present ### Post: - properties_combis_id_array: Array ( [0] => ) - products_id: 76 Get: - module: PropertiesCombisAdmin - action: delete - type: selected