


GX-Bug #67640

Von Alexandre Ataides vor mehr als 3 Jahren aktualisiert

Every time we change the Theme "Gambio Admin > Inhalte > Template-Einstellungen" to Malibu/Honeygrid (Theme/Template) "GM_QUICK_SEARCH" is being set to false and this makes the search bar, in the Shop, not being shown. 

 How to reproduce 

 1. Go to Gambio Admin > Inhalte > Template-Einstellungen 
 2. Select Honeygrid theme or template 
 3. Go to the store 

 Expected result: Cart Icon is diplayed on the right side at the end of menu  
 Actual result: Cart Icon is almost centered because the search input is missing 

 Suggestion: as we already have this option inside StyleEdit 4 we could be sure that this option is always "true" (during the update process, for example) and hide it from the Settings page (Gambio Admin)
