GX-Bug #67500
Von Moritz Bunjes vor mehr als 4 Jahren aktualisiert
Der ResponsiveFilemanager zeigt nicht den Ordner der Artikelbilder an, wenn man zuvor den ResponsiveFilemanager woanders genutzt hat.
The ResponsiveFilemanager does not show the folder of the article images if you have used the ResponsiveFilemanager somewhere else before.
1. Go to the Content Manager and edit a Content, for example the Imprint
2. Open the ResponsiveFilemanager by adding an image in the editor
3. Create a new folder in the images directory via the ResponsiveFilemanager and open the created folder.
4. Close the ResponsiveFilemanager window.
5. Edit a product and open the ResponsiveFilemanager for a product image
Expected result
The ResponsiveFilemanager shows the images of the images/product_images/orginal_images
Actual result
The ResponsiveFilemanager shows folders from the root directory of the shop