


GX-Bug #67142

Von Ulrich Wenk vor fast 4 Jahren aktualisiert

Der Aufruf von neuen Seiten wie z.B. mein Shop bringt ein Warndreieck in die Fußleiste, auf anderen Seiten funktioniert die Prüfung hingegen richtig 

 **EDIT** 10.06.2020 


 * have a shop with a valid shop-key ready (I think if you connect your shop to the hub, you'll get a shop-key) 

 1. on the backend starting page, the shop-key is displayed as valid (you'll find it in the savebar) 
 2. go to Shop Settings > My Shop --> the key is displayed as invalid 
 3. go to Shop Settings > Miscellaneous --> the shop key is displayed as valid 
 3. check all old and new (refactored) menus under Shop Settings 


 * the shop-key is displayed as invalid in the new menus 
