


GX-Abgewiesen #67082

Von Ulrich Wenk vor fast 4 Jahren aktualisiert


 * framed shop must be "off" 
 * malibu must be active 

 1. go to Layout / Design > Template settings, open SE4 
 2. go to Areas > Header > Variant, choose Header 2 (the third one) 
 3. check the behaviour of the sticky header with active preview (switcher bottom left) 
 4. 3. go to Areas > Header > Header 2 > General, hide the top navigation 

 expected result: 

 * the header behaves as it would with active top navigation 

 actual result: 

 * the header looks different, see screenshot 


 * if you choose or combine the other layout options (hide secondary navigation, hide categories) various unfavourable results will be produced, see screenshots for examples
