


GX-Bug #67038

Von Till Tepelmann vor mehr als 4 Jahren aktualisiert

Log Datei wird vollgeschrieben, wenn die die Mengeneingabe in der Artikelliste deaktiviert ist 

 Log file is written in full if the quantity input in the article list is deactivated 

 ErrorException: Warning: A non-numeric value encountered 
   File "/GXMainComponents/Controllers/HttpView/ShopAjax/", line 677, in CheckStatusController::_getQuantityChecker 
     'qty' => $products_qty + $cart_qty, 
   File "/GXMainComponents/Controllers/HttpView/ShopAjax/", line 140, in CheckStatusController::actionDefault 
     $quantityChecker = $this->_getQuantityChecker($product); 
   File "/GXEngine/Services/System/Http/", line 148, in HttpViewController::_callActionMethod 
     $response = call_user_func([$this, $methodName]); 
   File "/GXEngine/Services/System/Http/", line 107, in HttpViewController::proceed 
     $response     = $this->_callActionMethod($actionName); 
   File "/GXEngine/Services/System/Http/", line 71, in HttpDispatcher::dispatch 
 (2 additional frame(s) were not displayed) 
