GX-Bug #66469
Von Ronald Loyko vor mehr als 4 Jahren aktualisiert
Steps to reproduce: 1. Add a product to the cart 2. Open a new tab and log in to the Gambio Admin 3. Navigate to Catalog > Categories / Products 4. Select the product, that has been added to the cart back in the first step 5. Deactivate that product 6. Go back to the store frontend 7. Go to the cart Hat ein Kunde einen Artikel im Warenkorb, der dann inaktiv geschaltet wird, führt der Aufruf des Warenkorb zu einer Exception: Result: Opening the cart ends up with the following error: ``` Uncaught TypeError: Return value of product_ORIGIN::getProductsName() must be of the type string, null returned in …/includes/classes/product.php:1210 Stack trace: #0 …/GambioShop/Product/Name/Listener/OnGetProductInfoEventListener.php(32): product_ORIGIN->getProductsName() #1 …/GambioCore/Event/EventDispatcher.php(78): Gambio\Shop\Product\Name\Listener\OnGetProductInfoEventListener->__invoke(Object(Gambio\Shop\SellingUnit\Database\Unit\Events\OnGetProductInfoEvent)) #2 …/GambioShop/SellingUnit/Unit/SellingUnit.php(295): Gambio\Core\Event\EventDispatcher->dispatch(Object(Gambio\Shop\SellingUnit\Database\Unit\Events\OnGetProductInfoEvent)) #3 …/GXMainComponents/View/ThemeContentViews/shopping_cart/OrderDetailsCartThemeContentView.inc.php(182): Gambio\Shop\SellingUnit\Unit\SellingUnit->productInfo() ``` Solution: Check for --- If a product existence before trying to get is deactivated while it is in a customer’s cart the product details shopping cart will throw an Exception for that customer.