GX-Abgewiesen #65961
Von Ulrich Wenk vor fast 5 Jahren aktualisiert
Preconditions: * have at least one registered regeistered customer in your shop 1. create another customer-account in the frontend 2. while doing so, use an e-mail-adress which already exists, click on continue 3. this triggers a hint *The email address you entered already exists in our database; please check it* 4. choose an e-mail-adress which does not exist actual result: * as soon as you enter a valid e-mail-adress, the hint switches its colors (depending on SE-settings) * this could be a little confusing, because the hint is still the same, although the teh e-mail-adress is now valid * this could also be related to a worse problem, see linked ticket expected result: * don't know, maybe the hint should vanish as soon as the adress is valid? * please clarify with product owner