


GX-Bug #65832

Von Ulrich Wenk vor fast 5 Jahren aktualisiert

ShopInformationService muss die Versionsnummer jedes einzelnen Themes und Moduls übermitteln, damit der Gambio Store die korrekten Updates für Module uns Themes anzeigen kann. Die Shopinformationen müssen die Quelle der Wahrheit sein. 

 ShopInformationService must transmit the version number of each theme and module so that the Gambio Store can display the correct updates for modules and themes. The shop information must be the source of the truth. 

 _First Example:_ 

 1. install a theme via the Gambio Store (must not be Malibu) 
 2. go to Layout / Design > Template-Settings, open SE4 
 3. delete the just downloaded theme via SE4 (burger-menu upper left) 
 4. go back to Gambio Store 


 * the theme is still labeled as 'Installed' 

 _Second Example:_ 

 1. have an update-ready shop with a lot of downloaded themes ready 
 2. make an update to a newer shop-version 
 3. check the Gambio Store again 


 * the Gambio Store will have forgotten all previously installed themes 
 * they are nevertheless available via SE4 and Shop Settings
