


GX-Abgewiesen #56047

Von Ulrich Wenk vor mehr als 4 Jahren aktualisiert

Die Versandkosten-Matrix wird im Frontend anders dargestellt, als zunächst in der Erstellung angezeigt. Hier sollte es eine Möglichkeit geben die Einträge entsprechend zu sortieren. 

 **EDIT** 16.08.2019 

 1. go to layout / design > content manager >> info pages >>> Shipping & payment conditions 
 2. click on create matrix 
 3. deactivate 'Only show countries that are activated for the shop' 
 4. activate some countries in this list, click on 'next' 
 5. (optional) fill in the forms for shipping costs, Max. additional shipping time and Payment methods, notice: the list of countries is sorted semi-alphabetically, the first entry is germany 
 6. click on 'save' 
 7. go to the frontend, open 'Shipping & payment conditions' (in the footer) 

 * expected result: the list has at least the same sorting in the 'Create shipping & payment information matrix'-matrix; a better solution would be to have an option for sorting this list 
 * actual result: the list is sorted alphabetically (for the most part), there is no option for sorting this list otherwise
