GX-Bug #70738
Von Alexandre Ataides vor etwa 1 Jahr aktualisiert
When creating a shipping label, the label URL does not exist 1. Install the DHL Business Customer Shipping/DHL Geschäftskundenversand Module 2. Follow the instructions in here: https://tracker.gambio-server.net/projects/dhl-geschaeftskundenversand-gkv2/wiki/Sandbox-Modus 1. Run the SQL queries to activate the Sandbox mode 1. On the module configuration page change: - User name - Password - EKP Number 1. Save the configs 1. On the same configuration page scroll to the bottom and add a new `Product`, by clicking on the `plus` button: - DHL Paket | 01 | test 3. Place an order 4. Go to the orders overview page 5. Click on the action menu button (arrow down), and select `DHL Label (BCS)/DHL-Label (GKV)` 1. Scroll the page to the bottom and click on the `Create Label/Label anfordern` 1. Click on the `Shipping label/Versandlabel` button of the created label Expected: The label be opened in a new tab and should be visible. Actual: The label is being opened in a new tab, but an error message is shown. Note: The fix checks if the `Label` property exists when clicking on the `create label` button, if not it fetches the information from the DHL API. **** exist.