


GX-Bug #70555

Von Till Tepelmann vor 11 Monaten aktualisiert

Bestellungen können im Kunden-Profil nicht angezeigt werden, wenn Produkte mit der ID 0 über API hinzugefügt werden 

 Kann wie folgt reproduziert werden: 

 1. Shop installieren 
 2. Eine Bestellung mit folgenden JSON über die API /v2/orders anlegen 
 3. Kundenübersicht öffnen und den Kunden mit dem die Bestellung ausgeführt wurde, öffnen 
 4. im Kunden-Profil auf "Bestellungen" klicken 

 Erwartetes Ergebnis: 
 Beim Aufruf der Bestellungen im Kunden-Profil, sollten alle Bestellungen aufgeführt werden, auch welche mit nicht existierenden Produkten 

 Tatsächliches Ergebnis: 
 Es lässt sich die Übersicht der Bestellungen im Kunden-Profil nicht aufrufen, wenn in den Bestellungen Produkte sind, die mit der ProduktID 0 über die API hinzugefügt wurden 


 Orders cannot be displayed in customer profile when products with ID 0 are added via API 

 Can be reproduced as follows: 

 1. install store 
 2. create an order with following JSON via API /v2/orders 
 3. open customer overview and open the customer with whom the order was placed 
 4. click on "Orders" in the customer profile. 

 Expected result: 
 When calling the orders in the customer profile, all orders should be listed, even those with non-existing products. 

 Actual result: 
 It is not possible to call the overview of orders in the customer profile if there are products in the orders that were added with the productID 0 via the API 


 ``` javascript 
     "addonValues": { 
         "ccCvv": "", 
         "ccExpires": "", 
         "ccIssue": "", 
         "ccNumber": "", 
         "ccOwner": "", 
         "ccStart": "", 
         "ccType": "", 
         "customerIp": "", 
         "downloadAbandonmentStatus": "0", 
         "serviceAbandonmentStatus": "0" 
     "addresses": { 
         "billing": { 
             "additionalAddressInfo": "1. Etage", 
             "b2bStatus": false, 
             "city": "Bremen", 
             "company": "JD Company", 
             "countryId": 81, 
             "firstname": "John", 
             "gender": "m", 
             "houseNumber": "123", 
             "lastname": "Doe", 
             "postcode": "28219", 
             "street": "Test Street", 
             "suburb": "", 
             "zoneId": 0 
         "customer": { 
             "additionalAddressInfo": "1. Etage", 
             "b2bStatus": false, 
             "city": "Bremen", 
             "company": "JD Company", 
             "countryId": 81, 
             "firstname": "John", 
             "gender": "m", 
             "houseNumber": "123", 
             "lastname": "Doe", 
             "postcode": "28219", 
             "street": "Test Street", 
             "suburb": "", 
             "zoneId": 0 
         "delivery": { 
             "additionalAddressInfo": "1. Etage", 
             "b2bStatus": false, 
             "city": "Bremen", 
             "company": "JD Company", 
             "countryId": 81, 
             "firstname": "John", 
             "gender": "m", 
             "houseNumber": "123", 
             "lastname": "Doe", 
             "postcode": "28219", 
             "street": "Test Street", 
             "suburb": "", 
             "zoneId": 0 
     "comment": "", 
     "currencyCode": "EUR", 
     "customer": { 
         "email": "", 
         "id": 1, 
         "number": "", 
         "phone": "0421 - 22 34 678", 
         "status": { 
             "discount": 0, 
             "id": 0, 
             "image": "admin_status.gif", 
             "isGuest": false, 
             "name": "Admin" 
         "vatId": "" 
     "items": [ 
             "addonValues": { 
                 "productId": 0, 
                 "quantityUnitId": 1 
             "checkoutInformation": "Checkout information goes here ...", 
             "discount": 0, 
             "downloadInformation": [ 
                     "countAvailable": 14, 
                     "filename": "Dokument.pdf", 
                     "maxDaysAllowed": 5 
             "finalPrice": 11, 
             "id": 0, 
             "isTaxAllowed": "true", 
             "model": "12345-s-black", 
             "name": "Ein Artikel", 
             "price": 11, 
             "quantity": 1, 
             "quantityUnitName": "Liter", 
             "shippingTimeInformation": "", 
             "tax": 19 
     "languageCode": "DE", 
     "paymentType": { 
         "module": "cod", 
         "title": "cod" 
     "purchaseDate": "2015-11-06 12:22:39", 
     "shippingType": { 
         "module": "flat_flat", 
         "title": "Pauschale Versandkosten (Standard)" 
     "statusHistory": [ 
             "comment": "", 
             "customerNotified": "true", 
             "dateAdded": "2015-11-06 12:22:39", 
             "id": 1, 
             "statusId": 1 
     "statusId": 1, 
     "totalWeight": 0.123, 
     "totals": [ 
             "class": "ot_subtotal", 
             "id": 1, 
             "sortOrder": 10, 
             "title": "Zwischensumme", 
             "value": 50, 
             "valueText": "50,00 EUR" 
