GX-Bug #69642
Von Patrick Bayer vor mehr als 1 Jahr aktualisiert
Datei gm_seo_boost.php ist noch im Code mehrfach verlinkt, obwohl die Datei schon längst gelöscht wurde
Die Datei ist seite der Shopversion gelöscht worden aber immer noch ein vielen Stellen im Shop verlinkt.
Hier müssten die Verlinkungen ebenfalls entfenrt werden.
File gm_seo_boost.php is still linked several times in the code, although the file has long been deleted.
The file has been deleted since the shop version but still linked in many places in the store.
Here the links would also have to be removed.
Occurrences of 'gm_seo_boost.php' in Directory /home/XXXXXX/DEV/gxdev_new/src
Found Occurrences in Directory /home/XXXXXX/DEV/gxdev_new/src (20 usages found)
Unclassified (3 usages found)
gxdev_new (3 usages found)
src/gambio_updater/updates/v2.1 (2 usages found)
to_delete.txt (2 usages found)
206 lang/english/admin/gm_seo_boost.php
474 lang/german/admin/gm_seo_boost.php
src/gambio_updater/updates/v4.3.1.0 (1 usage found)
to_delete.txt (1 usage found)
108 admin/gm_seo_boost.php
Usage in string constants (17 usages found)
gxdev_new (17 usages found)
src/admin (3 usages found)
gm_meta.php (1 usage found)
25 AdminMenuControl::connect_with_page('gm_seo_boost.php');
gm_sitemap.php (1 usage found)
25 AdminMenuControl::connect_with_page('gm_seo_boost.php');
robots_download.php (1 usage found)
30 AdminMenuControl::connect_with_page('gm_seo_boost.php');
src/admin/html/assets/javascript/engine/compatibility (2 usages found)
init_html_fixes.js (1 usage found)
249 smallPages = ['gm_seo_boost.php', 'parcel_services.php'];
init_html_fixes.min.js (1 usage found)
1 getUrlParameters().do||"",a=["gm_emails.php"],r=["gm_seo_boost.php","parcel_services.php"];($.inArray(t,a)>-1||"admin.php"===t&&$.inArray(n,a)>-1)&&$(".boxCenterWrapper
src/admin/includes (1 usage found)
application_top.php (1 usage found)
211 define('FILENAME_GM_SEO_BOOST', 'gm_seo_boost.php');
src/admin/javascript/engine/compatibility (1 usage found)
init_html_fixes.js (1 usage found)
270 'gm_seo_boost.php',
src/gambio_installer/sql (1 usage found)
admin_access_group_items.sql (1 usage found)
267 (53, 'gm_seo_boost.php', 'PAGE'),
src/gambio_updater/updates/v2.3.1.0 (1 usage found)
UpdaterPhraseCacheBuilder.inc.php (1 usage found)
137 'admin/gm_seo_boost.php' => 'gm_seo_boost',
src/gambio_updater/updates/v3.9.1.0 (2 usages found)
dependent.inc.php (2 usages found)
1208 'gm_seo_boost.php',
1806 'identifier' => 'gm_seo_boost.php',
src/GambioAdmin/Layout/Menu/data (1 usage found)
settings_backup.json (1 usage found)
44 "link": "gm_seo_boost.php",
src/GXMainComponents/Controllers/HttpView/Admin (1 usage found)
StaticSeoUrlController.inc.php (1 usage found)
124 new StringType('gm_seo_boost.php'),
src/system/classes/languages (3 usages found)
LanguageMappingArray.inc.php (1 usage found)
61 'admin/gm_seo_boost.php' => 'gm_seo_boost',
LanguageMappingArrayEnglish.inc.php (1 usage found)
60 'lang/english/admin/gm_seo_boost.php' => 'gm_seo_boost',
LanguageMappingArrayGerman.inc.php (1 usage found)
60 'lang/german/admin/gm_seo_boost.php' => 'gm_seo_boost',
src/system/core/caching (1 usage found)
PhraseCacheBuilder.inc.php (1 usage found)
510 'admin/gm_seo_boost.php' => 'gm_seo_boost',