


GX-Bug #70248

Von Alexandre Ataides vor etwa 2 Jahren aktualisiert

Beim internationalen Versand sind die Versandkosten als „zusätzliche Gebühren“ aufzuführen, nicht als eigenständiger Artikelposten. 

 Schritte zum Reproduzieren: 
 * DHL-GKV-Modul installieren, konfigurieren ( 
 * Bestellung mit Versandadresse im Ausland für DHL-Labelerstellung aufrufen. 
 * Bestellungen > Action menu > DHL-Label (GKV) 

 Erwartetes Ergebnis: 
 Versandkosten werden im Feld „zusätzliche Gebühren“ eingetragen und tauchen im Exportlabel als „Postal charges / Fees“ auf. 

 Tatsächliches Ergebnis: 
 Versandkosten werden als Inhaltsposten „shipping“ geführt. 


 For international shipping, list shipping charges as "additional charges", not as a separate item. 

 Steps to reproduce: 
 * Install DHL Geschäftskundenversand module, configure ( 
 * Call up order with shipping address abroad for DHL label creation. 
 * Orders overview page > Row Action menu > DHL Label (BCS) 

 Expected result: 
 Shipping charges are entered in the "additional charges" field and show up in the export label as "Postal charges / Fees". 

 Actual result: 
 Shipping costs are listed as content item "shipping". 


 How to test it 

 1. Install the DHL Geschäftskundenversand Module via Module Center (Admin) 
    1. Admin > Modules Center > DHL Geschäftskundenversand (or DHL Business Customer Shipping in English) 
    1. After installing it, call the page and run the 3 first SQL queries 
    1. Then, edit the DHL Geschäftskundenversand Module 
    1. Set the `User name`, `Password`, and `EKP Number (10 digits)` fields according to the credentials in the Wiki and hit the `Save Settings` button 
    1. Now, need to create an international product for the DHL Geschäftskundenversand 
    1. Go to the bottom of the module edit page (see image) 
    1. On the dropdown, select `DHL Paket International` and give it a description 
    1. Click on the `add` icon 

 1. Install the `Flat Rate` shipping: 
    1. Admin > Modules > Shipping Methods 
    1. Edit the shipping method and put a `Shipping Cost` of 2 Euros (or any other value) 

 1. Install the `Invoice` payment method 
    1. Admin > Modules > Payment systems > Miscellaneous tab 

 1. Go to Admin > Settings > Countries and click on the `Activate All` button (center bottom) 
 1. Create a new customer and set their country to Angola, or any other country outside EU 
 1. With the created customer, place an order and select `Flat Rate` (shipping) and `Invoice` (payment) 
 1. Go to the Orders Overview page 
    1. Select `DHL Label (GKV)` on the Action Menu 
    1. On the `Shipping weight (kg)` field, add 3 
    1. On the `Export type` dropdown select `commercial goods` 
    1. On the product `mass (kg)`, put 2 
    1. Click on the `Create label` button 
     1. After the label has been created, click on the `Export label` button, it will open another tab with the export label (see image) 
