GX-Bug #70067
Von Moritz Bunjes vor etwa 2 Jahren aktualisiert
Using MariaDB 10.3 for example causes an error on Even though we no longer support outdated database versions, the solution to display the Gambio Admin > Statistics > Overview > Customers page. A page without errors is a simple adjustment of a an SQL query solves command. To keep support issues low, the problem. SQL command should be `SELECT COUNT(customers_id) AS totalCustomers, SUM(customers_newsletter) AS subscribers FROM customers WHERE (account_type = 0) AND (customers_status != 0);` instead of `SELECT COUNT(customers_id) AS totalCustomers, COUNT((SELECT customers_newsletter WHERE customers_newsletter = 1)) AS subscribers FROM customers WHERE (account_type = 0) AND (customers_status != 0)` MariaDB 10.3 for example does not support the second SQL query.