GX-Bug #69565
Von Alexandre Ataides vor fast 3 Jahren aktualisiert
1.) Go to "Settings > Customers > Account fields minimum length > *Telephone Number* ", set the value to `7` and hit save 1.) Go to "Customers > Customers" 1.) 2.) Click on button "Create" 1.) 3.) Fill in form: all the required fields form 1.) 4.) Click on button "Insert" Expected result: New customer account is being created. Actual result: Error message occurs, account wasn't created. 1.) Gehe zu "Kunden > Kunden" 2.) Klicke auf Button "Erstellen" 3.) Eingabeformular ausfüllen 4.) Klicke auf Button "Einfügen" Erwartetes Ergebnis: Neuer Account wird erstellt. Tatsächliches Ergebnis: Es wird eine Fehlermeldung angezeigt. Der Account wurde nicht angelegt. Unexpected error occurred... Call to a member function get_output() on null 2022-02-12 20:25:05 CRITICAL: Call to a member function get_output() on null 2022-02-12 20:25:06 CRITICAL: IntType: Invalid argument value given (expected numeric int got NULL): 0: /var/www/db/v4511/GXEngine/Shared/Types/IdType.inc.php:47 │ public function __construct($p_value) │ { ├─ parent::__construct($p_value); │ │ if ((int)$p_value < 0) { 1: /var/www/db/v4511/GXMainComponents/Controllers/HttpView/Shop/ZonesController.inc.php:62 │ { │ $countryId = ($this->_getPostData('country') ├─ !== null) ? new IdType($this->_getPostData('country')) : new IdType($this->_getPostData('entry_country_id')); │ │ $customerCountryZones = $this->countryService->findCountryZonesByCountryId($countryId); 2: /var/www/db/v4511/GXEngine/Services/System/Http/HttpViewController.inc.php:148 │ } │ ├─ $response = call_user_func([$this, $methodName]); │ │ return $response; 3: /var/www/db/v4511/GXEngine/Services/System/Http/HttpViewController.inc.php:107 │ │ $actionName = $this->httpContextReader->getActionName($httpContext); ├─ $response = $this->_callActionMethod($actionName); │ │ $this->httpResponseProcessor->proceed($response); 4: /var/www/db/v4511/GXEngine/Services/System/Http/HttpDispatcher.inc.php:71 │ $controller->validateCurrentAdminStatus(); │ } ├─ $controller->proceed($httpContext); │ } │ } 5: /var/www/db/v4511/GXEngine/Services/System/Http/HttpService.inc.php:66 │ { │ try { ├─ $this->httpDispatcher->dispatch($httpContext); │ } catch (HttpControllerException $e) { │ if (!headers_sent()) { 6: /var/www/db/v4511/admin/admin.php:15 │ $httpService = StaticGXCoreLoader::getService('Http'); │ $httpContext = $httpService->getHttpContext(); ├─ $httpService->handle($httpContext);