


GX-Feature #69333

Von Josua Michalak vor etwa 3 Jahren aktualisiert

## Widget to display a list of customers (with the most recent activity), that is currently online. (excluding guests) 

 1. Visit the Gambio Admin and navigate to Statistics -> Overview. 
 2. Add the newly created widget 'Who is online?' to the overview. 
 3. Import the [testing database entries]( (or visit the shop yourself *with different accounts*) 
 4. If you've imported the database entries - ***don't*** move around in the frontend, or else the entries will be deleted. *(since they're most certainly older than 15 minutes)* 
 5. Refresh the statistics overview page. 

 Expected result:  
 The widget should show a table containing the last 5, 10, or 20 online (and active) customers. *(5, 10 or 20 depends on the settings within the widget itself)* 

 *If you're waiting for an entry to be removed, keep in mind, that it takes 15 minutes **since** the last activity **and** any movement in the frontend for an entry to be removed from the `whos_online` table.* 

 ![GambioCustomersOnlineList]( ![GambioCustomersOnlineList]( 
