


GX-Bug #69352

Von Alexandre Ataides vor mehr als 3 Jahren aktualisiert

When the product downloads overview page is called, the columns `Period` and `Limit` are showing the wrong values. 

 1. Call the Product Downloads page: `Catalog > Categories/Products > Edit a product > Click on the "Downloads" tab on top of the page` 
 1. If there are no downloads attached, attach one download to the product 
 1. Take note of the `Download period` and `Download Limit` column values related to the value that you are going to edit 
 1. Edit the download value and change the `Download period` and `Download Limit` values 
 1. Check the changed values on the Product Downloads overview table 

 Expected: The changed values should be displayed accordingly 
 Actual: The `Download Period` is being shown in place of the `Download Limit` Limi` column
