GX-Task #68752
Von Marvin Muxfeld vor mehr als 3 Jahren aktualisiert
With both system now use the same options. The tables from both systems are still in use, but both received additional columns to make this mirroring possible.
### products_properties_combis
* gtin
* asin
* combi_weight_type
### products_properties_combis_values
* options_id
### properties_description
* description
### properties_values
* display_image
* weight
* stock_type
* stock
* stock_centrally_managed
### properties_values_description
* description
### products_options
* options_id
* admin_label
* description
* sort_order
### products_options_values
* option_value_id
* description
* sort_order
* value_model
* weight
* value_price
* display_image
* stock_type
* stock
* stock_centrally_managed
### products_options_values_to_products_options
* options_id
* option_value_id