GX-Bug #68243
Von Ulrich Wenk vor etwa 4 Jahren aktualisiert
Ruft man die Cross Selling eines Artikels auf und klickt nach gewünschter Änderungen anschließend auf Speichern werden die Änderungen übernommen, man landet jedoch auf der categorie.php-Seite mit einem 500er Error
If you open the Cross Selling Page of an article and click after desired changes on Save-Button the changes are applied, but you are redirect to the categorie.php page with a 500 error.
* have a category with multiple sub- and sub-sub (sub-sub-sub-) categories ready
* have at least some products in the lowest category
1. go to Catalog > Cross-Selling Groups, create a cross-selling group
2. go to Catalog > Categories / Products > lowest sub-category, choose Cross Selling from a products dropdown menu
3. search for products, select some products for cross selling, save (button at the bottom of the page)
4. the selected products are now linked with the initial product and displayed in a list above
5. make minor changes to this list, e.g. change sort order, click Update
result 1:
* the changes got applied, the page gets refreshed
6. make again minor changes to the list, click Save
* changes are saved, the previous page gets opened (lowest sub-category)
* changes are saved, the TOP category gets opened