


GX-Task #67971

Von Moritz Bunjes vor mehr als 3 Jahren aktualisiert

Currently, there are some issues related to the overloading system with the gambio admin. For example the smarty layout blocks can be improved, so third party developers only have to overload a single block to load their own styles/scripts. A similar issue occurs when using "dynamic_[script|style]_assets" with an own layout loader, because the `AdminLayoutHttpControllerResponse::render` method internally overrides those values. 

 I created a sample module to test the implemented functionality. 
 Extract the in your shops GXModules directory, upload if required and clear the modules cache. Then check the dashboard or configuration page for the new layout, some admin/admin.php?do=[Controller] pages for the old system and, for example the admin customers page (admin/customers.php) for the legacy system 
